A Church Near You
Hits :1904
A Church Near You lists every church in the Church of England with accurate maps, contact information, service times and much more.

Action Aid
Hits :6878
ActionAid improves people’s lives every day. But we know that’s not enough. So we work relentlessly to change whatever is keeping them trapped in poverty.This means we have a better chance of ending poverty for good.

All about Sinfin
Hits :3039
On Sinfin.Net

Alvaston Methodist Church
Hits :2350
Methodist webpage for Alvaston Methodist Church

Archbishop of York
Hits :4126
John Sentamu was born in Uganda in 1949, the sixth of thirteen children. He is married to Margaret Sentamu. They have two grown up children and two grown up foster children. Here you can find more details about John Sentamu, his family and his views on everything from football to food.

Army Chaplains
Hits :2849
For centuries the Royal Army Chaplains' Department (RAChD) has ministered to soldiers in times of peace and war. We are proud to provide spiritual leadership, moral guidance and pastoral support to all soldiers and their families, irrespective of religion or belief.

Association for Church Editors
Hits :1629
The Association for Church Editors exists to help all those concerned with producing church communications (from humble news letters to sophisticated magazines) to improve the quality of their writing and the visual appeal of their publications. We would like to be your helping hand, assisting you to find sources of suitable copy and to help you network with many other church editors who support and encourage one another in our efforts to communicate the gospel.

Audio Bible
Hits :17269
Listen to the Bible Online

Awareness Foundation
Hits :9390
The Awareness Foundation, based in London, was founded in 2003 in response to the disturbing increase in religious conflict and violence around the world. The Awareness Foundation's Patron is the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Baptism Integrity
Hits :2184
"Baptism Integrity" is the only website dedicated to consideration of the issues of the theology and practice of baptism. christening and thanksgivings primarily in the Church of England. We hope you find our site a mine of scriptural, practical and pastoral information.

BBC Religion Page
Hits :2667
A link to the BBC's religion page

Bible Gateway
Hits :1736
All you need to know about the Bible

Bible Walks
Hits :2009
This web site is a gateway to the Land of the Bible, home of the New and Old Testaments. Packed with original images and information, it highlights the wonders and charm of the region and its relevance to the historical and biblical roots.

Hits :1686
Supporting Health, Education and Community Development in the Lands of the Bible

BMS Mission
Hits :2511
World Mission Issues

Bobby Ball
Hits :1773
The one and only. This link is to the new Bobby Ball website. You can also find Bobby on Facebook.

Boulton Lane Baptist Church
Hits :2017
We are a growing congregation, eager to serve and ready to welcome all who get in touch

British Church Music Foundation
Hits :1720
This website is all about Church Music.

British Red Cross
Hits :2615
The British Red Cross was formed in 1870, from the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. It works to help vulnerable people withstand emergencies whoever and wherever they are. It is part of a global voluntary network, responding to conflicts, natural disasters and individual emergencies.

Bulawayo Baptist Church
Hits :2757
This is the link to their facebook page

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